Monopoly GO: Today's Events (Nov 16, 2024)

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1. Tournaments
Upcoming Tournament: Laser Leap
- Start Time: 2024/11/17, 02:00
- End Time: 2024/11/18, 03:59
- Duration: 1 day, 1 hour, 59 minutes

2. Special Events
Special events offer limited-time opportunities to accelerate your gameplay. Each event operates on a schedule or a countdown timer that begins when you log in.

Key Upcoming Events
1. Mega Heist
- 2024/11/16, 15:00 - 20:59 (Duration: 45 minutes)
- 2024/11/17, 03:00 - 08:59 (Duration: 45 minutes)

2. Rent Frenzy
- 2024/11/17, 00:00 - 02:59 (Duration: 30 minutes)

3. Wheel Boost
- 2024/11/17, 09:00 - 14:59 (Duration: 20 minutes)

Pro Tip: Log in when an event starts and dedicate your dice rolls to it. This ensures you maximize the rewards and event currency earned.


3. Quick Wins
Quick Wins offer a series of challenges that reset daily and weekly. Completing these tasks allows you to earn rewards and advance towards milestone prizes.

Daily Challenges
1. Rolls Used: Earn event currency by using dice rolls.
- Requirement: 10 rolls
- Reward: 60 Event Currency

2. Pass Go: Complete laps around the board.
- Requirement: Pass Go 2 times
- Reward: Cash and 80 Event Currency

3. Roll Doubles: Land doubles twice.
- Requirement: Roll Doubles 2 times
- Reward: Sticker Pack and 110 Event Currency

If you want to improve your game, having enough stickers and dice is essential to success in Monopoly GO events. U4GM offers Monopoly Go dice for sale, Now use "harry" coupons for an extra 5% off!
