Top Five Festival Marketing Strategies

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This festival marketing calls for a dynamic endeavor for brands looking to maximize their reach, engagement, and revenue. Here are the top five marketing strategies for you to work upon to shine brightly during these special times.

As the year draws to a close, marketers and brands eagerly anticipate the forthcoming season of festivities and the extraordinary marketing prospects it brings. From October to December, a global stage is set for a series of international festivals, and astute businesses are prepared to take center stage with their seasonal product launches.

Statistics reveal the immense potential of festival marketing. Global ad spending in this arena is expected to surge from USD 22 billion in 2022 to a remarkable USD 25 billion in 2023, signifying a robust growth rate of 13.6%. eMarketer's estimates align with this upward trend, predicting that global ad spending on festival marketing will reach USD 26 billion in 2023, compared to USD 23 billion in the previous year, demonstrating a growth rate of 13.0%. This data underscores the continued expansion of global festive season marketing, propelled by factors such as the rising popularity of festivals, the ascent of e-commerce, and the increasing prevalence of digital advertising.

Big brands in the telecom, ecommerce, consumer electronics, FMCG, automobiles, and retail sectors could increase marketing and advertising spend during the upcoming festivals by ten to twenty percent from the previous year to tap the anticipated surge in customer demand, according to sources.

The span from October to December isn't merely a season but a colossal marketing opportunity. It's a time when brands can weave their narratives into the rich tapestry of cultural and religious celebrations that envelop the world. From Halloween's spirited revelry in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to the global brilliance of Diwali, symbolizing the conquest of light over darkness, and the gratitude-filled feasts of Thanksgiving, this is a season of jubilation.

With Hanukkah's eight nights of illumination, the global celebration of Christmas, and the cultural embrace of Kwanzaa, these months unfurl as a vast playground for digital marketers. The grand countdown of New Year's Eve and the benevolence of Boxing Day offer abundant room for brand interaction. In this festival-centric landscape, where Bodhi Day invites reflection and acts of kindness and Chanukah extends over eight nights, brands have the opportunity to align their festive marketing strategies with the spirit, forging connections and meaningful engagement across diverse audiences.

Current surveys reveal that Millennials and Gen Z customers easily forge connections with their beloved brands through moLotus, a pioneering mobile video customer interaction platform, particularly during festive occasions. The festive season presents an exceptional chance for brands and advertisers to captivate and engage customers via moLotus, ultimately boosting their sales. With moLotus, brands can craft informative and interactive festival advertising campaigns utilizing various interaction options such as SMS, USSD, mgram, Call, and Web Click. This unique platform grants access to a plethora of rich media formats, encompassing video content, dynamic greetings, brochures, slideshows, and showcases.

This article commences on a journey through the world of festival marketing during this delightful quarter. It explores the innovative strategies employed by brands to ensure they shine brightly amidst the holiday cheer, from the allure of high-impact moLotus mobile video campaigns to the sizzle of engaging social media campaigns on Facebook and the dazzling precision of search advertising campaigns with Google Ads. It's a world where the spirit of giving and celebration is in the air, and brands are primed to captivate their audiences.

1. Switch to Mobile Advertising

As the festive season from October to December unfolds, the significance of mobile advertising becomes more pronounced than ever. According to Statista, global mobile traffic is expected to surge by 15% during this period in 2023, a surge driven by a convergence of compelling factors. In the evolving digital marketing landscape, one strategy has gained importance – mobile advertising. The reason is simple: the majority of your audience is already engaged with their mobile devices, making it a prime channel for delivering your festival-themed marketing campaigns.

Year by year, advertisers are witnessing increasingly impressive returns on their festival marketing campaigns, largely thanks to mobile advertising platforms such as moLotus, which has redefined revenue models for advertisers, especially during the festive season. It excels at direct mobile inbox delivery with high brand visibility and a remarkable response rate. Notably, the platform doesn't necessitate any app downloads or data connections, simplifying the customer experience.

Christmas, a time synonymous with celebration and enjoyment, offers an ideal backdrop for mobile advertising. Global telcos like Vodafone, Airtel, Celcom, etc. have utilized the marketing potential of the festivities by executing successful ‘Merry Christmas' ad campaigns via moLotus. These campaigns seamlessly integrate loyalty programs into the festive narrative, incentivizing consumers with extra discounts and exclusive competitions for loyal customers resulting in more conversions, retention and revenue generation.

Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram consistently top the charts as the most downloaded mobile advertising apps during this season. Display ads on these platforms garner significant impressions, and search ads on Google contribute substantially to lead generation. However, it's worth noting that the festive season can be fiercely competitive for Google and Facebook Ad auctions, often resulting in escalated advertising costs.

With the advent of smartphones, our world has been condensed into a handheld device, and during this season, consumers are even more glued to their screens. Be it seeking Halloween costume inspiration, shopping for Diwali gifts, planning Thanksgiving feasts, or making Christmas wish lists, mobile devices are the go-to tools for it all. By embracing mobile advertising, you're positioning your brand right where your audience spends a significant portion of their time, ensuring your festival promotions are not only seen but also acted upon. In a digital age where the world is at our fingertips, mobile advertising is the compass guiding your brand through the festive season's uncharted territory.

2. Use Personalized Greetings

In the age of digital communication, the art of sending personalized festive greetings has taken on new dimensions. According to Epsilon's study, personalized festive greetings campaigns can boost customer engagement by up to 50%, surpassing the effectiveness of generic campaigns, and are more likely to drive conversions and sales during the festive season. As per Salesforce's study, 64% of consumers express a higher inclination to make purchases from brands sending them personalized festive greetings, highlighting the growing consumer demand for personalized interactions during the holiday season, and the potential for enhanced customer loyalty and satisfaction through such experiences. No longer limited to handwritten cards or one-size-fits-all messages, today's technology allows us to create deeply personal and meaningful greetings that resonate with their recipients.

With the help of new moLotus mobile technology, it's now possible to craft and deliver hyper-personalized festive greeting campaigns. These messages are personalized according to customer names, individual customer preferences, past customer interactions, and shared experiences. More and more global brands, including CIMB, AIG, Samsung, Tata, Panasonic, Amazon, etc., are engaging them by using moLotus personalized advertising with customer names followed by greetings – 'Eid Mubarak,' 'Merry Christmas,' 'Happy Halloween,' 'Happy Diwali.' This level of personalization goes a long way in creating a strong emotional connection between the brand and the customer during the festive season, ultimately leading to increased customer acquisition and higher profits.

Whether it's through email, social media, or messaging apps, personalization enables brands to connect with loved ones near and far. TikTok, with its short video format, has become a creative playground for personalized greetings. Users can craft short, engaging videos featuring personalized festive messages, share them with their followers, and even collaborate with influencers to spread the holiday cheer.

For instance, Spotify Wrapped is a campaign that personalizes a user's listening habits into a personalized infographic and video. The campaign is popular on social media platforms, with users sharing their Wrapped results with their friends and followers during festivals. McDonald's Menu Hacks Campaign encouraged users to share their favorite McDonald's menu hacks on social media. The campaign was a great way for McDonald's to generate buzz for its brand and to learn more about what its customers like to eat.

However, it has also been observed that customers, during festivities, no longer prefer email messaging or social media, which offer limited personalization. Also, social media campaigns are accompanied by hateful comments that often bother customers. They have become more sensitive to the nature of ad campaigns and only spread word-of-mouth appreciation to their acquaintances if the campaigns are tailor-made.

3. Offer Easy-to-Access Coupons Vouchers

One of the best ways to engage customers during festivals is by offering easily accessible coupons and vouchers. These digital tokens of appreciation not only spread cheer but also provide tangible value to your customers.

moLotus, with its unique direct-to-inbox delivery approach, is an ideal platform for distributing personalized coupons and vouchers. Imagine sending a beautifully designed digital voucher for a special holiday discount directly to your customers' mobile inboxes. They can redeem it with a simple click, enhancing the convenience of holiday shopping. For example, a retail brand can use moLotus to deliver exclusive Christmas discount vouchers to its customers' mobile inboxes. This instant access encourages customers to make festive purchases, boosting sales and fostering loyalty.

moLotus has replaced the traditional printed coupons by offering real-time, digital, hyper-personalized mobile coupons and vouchers that are specifically tailored to events. These digital tokens not only enjoy a remarkable response rate but also offer a cost-effective and speedy distribution method compared to print media. Managing these digital coupons is more convenient and economical, and the risk of fraudulent usage is entirely eliminated. moLotus provides businesses with advanced control, tracking, accuracy, and analytical tools, ultimately boosting ROI.

Social media platforms like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok, and Instagram are trying their hands in providing vouchers and coupons campaigns. Google Ads can display targeted ads with coupon codes to users who are actively searching for holiday-related products. For example, a user searching for "holiday tech deals" might see a holiday shopping ad offering a discount code for a tech store's online shop.

Facebook Ads can be used to target custom and lookalike audiences with coupon offers. For instance, a spa and wellness center might create a Facebook Ad campaign offering discounted holiday relaxation packages to users aged 25-45.

TikTok, known for its engaging short videos, can be a creative platform for coupon promotions. Brands can collaborate with TikTok influencers to create videos showcasing the use of their coupon codes during the holiday season. This adds a personal touch to the promotions and makes them more relatable to the platform's younger audience.

Instagram's visual appeal can be harnessed for coupon campaigns. Businesses can create eye-catching Stories or carousel posts with swipe-up links that lead users to coupon codes or special offers. For example, a fashion brand can showcase its holiday collection in an Instagram Story, providing a link to a discount code for immediate use.

4. Organize Giveaway Contests

Giveaway contests are a powerful tool for brands looking to boost customer engagement and brand visibility during the festive season. These contests not only create excitement but also provide a chance for your audience to get involved and win something special.

moLotus' interactive mobile platform can be used to organize giveaway contests in a highly engaging manner. Imagine sending a mobile message to your customers, inviting them to participate in a holiday-themed contest. The message can contain a link to a fun quiz, a creative challenge, or a simple lucky draw. Participants can instantly receive their results or prizes directly in their mobile inboxes. For example, a fashion brand can run a "Festive Wardrobe Makeover" contest where participants answer a few style-related questions, and they receive a personalized fashion recommendation as well as a special discount voucher for their next purchase. These interactive contests not only entertain your audience but also encourage them to stay connected with your brand throughout the festive season.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter are perfect for hosting giveaway contests. You can create posts or stories that promote your contest, specifying the rules and how to participate. For instance, on Instagram, you can encourage users to follow your brand, like the contest post, and tag a friend in the comments to enter. The incentive could be winning a holiday-themed gift or a discount code for their next purchase.

Facebook offers tools for creating contest posts and managing entries. You can run a "12 Days of Christmas Giveaway" contest where a winner is announced every day, creating anticipation and excitement throughout the festive season.

Twitter contests are known for their simplicity. You can run hashtag contests, where users tweet with a specific hashtag to enter. For instance, you can ask users to share their favorite holiday memory with a designated hashtag, and the best stories win.

TikTok is all about short video content, making it an excellent platform for creative giveaway challenges. Users can create videos following a specific theme or challenge to participate in your contest. For example, you can challenge users to create the most creative "Festive Recipe in 15 Seconds" and offer a prize to the best entry.

Festive giveaway contests are a compelling way to get your customers engaged and curious about your brand during the season. They not only provide a fun and engaging experience but also serve as a powerful tool for increasing brand exposure and building a sense of community among your audience.

5. Cross-sell Upsell More

Cross-selling and upselling are tried-and-true strategies that businesses can leverage to increase sales and enhance customer value, especially during festive seasons when consumers are in a buying mood. These techniques not only boost revenue but also foster stronger customer relationships. According to a recent survey by Statista, 63% of marketers plan to increase their spending on upselling and cross-selling campaigns during the festive season in 2023. This is up from 55% in the previous year. 72% of marketers plan to use product recommendations to upsell and cross-sell to their customers. 65% of marketers plan to use discounts and promotions to upsell and cross-sell to their customers.

moLotus comes handy for brands during the festive season providing innovative cross-selling and upselling campaigns. Imagine sending a personalized mobile message to customers with suggestions for complementary products or upgrades. For instance, if a customer purchases a smartphone as a holiday gift, you can utilize moLotus to send them a message with recommendations for protective cases, headphones, or other related accessories. The convenience of direct mobile inbox delivery ensures that your suggestions are seen promptly, increasing the chances of additional purchases. moLotus also allows you to include special festive discounts or offers, making the cross-sell or upsell more enticing, not spamming the inbox of the customers.

Other digital marketing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are good for cross-selling and upselling. These platforms offer tools to create engaging posts, stories, and ads.

You can use Facebook Advertising to reach customers who have previously bought from your brand. Display ads featuring products related to their previous purchases, and highlight the convenience or benefits of buying these additional items during the festive season.

Instagram's visual appeal makes it perfect for showcasing complementary or upgraded products. You can create visually striking posts or stories that feature the main product alongside the additional items, emphasizing the idea of a complete, ideal holiday purchase.

Pinterest is known for its shopping inspiration. Create holiday-themed boards or pins that suggest ideal combinations of products for festive gifting. For example, if you sell kitchen appliances, you can create a pinboard featuring a mix of products for the ultimate holiday kitchen makeover.

Google Ads is a potent platform for cross-selling and upselling. It allows businesses to target users actively searching for products or services, making it an opportune time to present them with alternatives or upgrades. For example, if a user searches for "holiday tech gifts," an electronics retailer can bid on this keyword and display ads showcasing a range of tech products, highlighting the benefits of choosing premium or bundled options for a more comprehensive festive experience.

Cross-selling consists of suggesting related products and services to the customer, while upselling motivates customers to select a more premium or higher-end version of their purchase. These strategies are effective not only in increasing the average transaction value but also in enhancing customer satisfaction. They show that you understand your customers' needs and preferences, making your brand a trusted source for their holiday shopping.


Festival marketing is a dynamic and rewarding endeavor for brands looking to maximize their reach, engagement, and revenue during the festive season. As we have explored, leveraging mobile advertising, personalization, giveaway contests, and cross-selling/upselling strategies can create a significant impact.

Moreover, utilizing powerful tools like moLotus, Facebook, Google Ads, TikTok, and Instagram adds an extra dimension to your festive campaigns. This time of year, presents not just an opportunity, but a canvas to paint your brand's story, connect with your customers on a personal level, and leave a lasting impression.

By embracing these innovative strategies, businesses can truly make their mark in the festive landscape, and ensure their brand is synonymous with the joy, spirit, and celebration of the holiday season. So, go forth and create magic in your festive marketing campaigns, and watch your brand shine brightly during these special times.
