Perfecting Your Strategy: Cleaver Combat in Black Ops 6 & Warzone

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The Cleaver is one of the most exciting melee weapons in Call of Duty’s Black Ops 6 and Warzone. Offering a unique combat style, it allows players to engage in up-close, personal battles that require precision, timing, and strategy. While it may seem like a weapon with a simple purpose,

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1. Cleaver Combat Basics: The Core Playstyle

To start, let’s revisit the fundamentals of using the Cleaver effectively. Since melee weapons like the Cleaver require you to get close to enemies, it’s essential to understand how to approach situations in which you are most vulnerable. You won’t have the range that firearms provide, but what you gain is a powerful one-hit kill weapon that can turn the tide of any close-quarters encounter.

Key points for effective Cleaver combat:

  • Stealth: The Cleaver thrives when you can catch enemies off guard. Avoid running around in open areas, as this makes you an easy target. Instead, use cover and concealment to sneak up on your enemies.
  • Timing: You need to time your attacks carefully since the Cleaver’s swing is slower than firearms. Rushing in blindly may get you killed, so be patient, wait for enemies to be distracted, or use their positioning against them.
  • Surprise Attacks: The Cleaver is great for ambushing players from behind. Whether you're moving around corners or sneaking through tall grass in Warzone, always look for opportunities to surprise your enemies with a swift strike.

2. Optimizing Your Loadout for Cleaver Combat

While the Cleaver may be a melee weapon, it’s still important to optimize your loadout to complement its unique playstyle. The right combination of perks, tactical equipment, and secondary weapons can significantly improve your chances of success.

Recommended Perks for Cleaver Users

  • Ninja: Moving silently is crucial for getting close to your target without alerting them to your presence. This perk allows you to move undetected and strike quickly without the risk of giving away your position.
  • Tracker: Tracker lets you see the footprints of your enemies. This perk is incredibly valuable, as it helps you anticipate enemy movements and plan your attacks accordingly. Follow the footprints and position yourself to ambush enemies who don’t expect you.
  • Cold-Blooded: If you’re playing in Warzone, Cold-Blooded can help you avoid detection from thermal optics and AI-targeting systems. Staying undetected when closing in on enemies gives you the upper hand in high-stakes situations.

Tactical Equipment for Support

While the Cleaver is a one-hit kill weapon, pairing it with tactical equipment can make completing camo challenges much easier.

  • Stun Grenades: A well-timed stun grenade can incapacitate your target long enough for you to close the gap and land a lethal blow. Use this when you find yourself facing enemies who are alert and ready to fight back.
  • Smoke Grenades: Smoke grenades can be incredibly useful to obscure vision and disorient enemies. When the enemy can’t see you, you have more freedom to rush in and take them down with the Cleaver without worrying about being shot from a distance.
  • Flashbangs: Flashbangs are another great way to disrupt enemy vision, making it easier to secure melee kills. Once enemies are disoriented, use the opportunity to attack them with a Cleaver.

Secondary Weapon (Optional)

While the Cleaver is meant for melee combat, it’s often wise to carry a secondary weapon as a backup. Choose something quick to deploy, like a pistol or SMG, in case you need to engage at a longer range.

3. Map Knowledge: Finding the Best Places for Cleaver Kills

One of the key elements to becoming a Cleaver master is knowing which maps to focus on and where to position yourself. Certain maps and areas provide more opportunities for close-quarters combat, making them ideal for Cleaver play. Let’s take a look at a few strategies for popular maps in both Black Ops 6 and Warzone.

Small Maps for Fast Action

Small, tight maps with lots of rooms, hallways, and corners are ideal for using the Cleaver. These maps limit enemy movement and provide plenty of opportunities for surprise attacks.

Recommended maps for Cleaver combat:

  • Shipment (Black Ops 6): Tight corridors and small spaces make this map perfect for quick, aggressive melee kills. With enemies constantly flooding in, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to rack up kills.
  • Rust (Warzone): This small, fast-paced map offers many tight corners and elevated areas, perfect for a quick Cleaver strike. Use the verticality to your advantage and find areas where you can drop down on unsuspecting enemies.

Medium-Sized Maps with Strategic Locations

If you're looking for a more tactical approach, medium-sized maps with open areas and specific high-ground spots can give you the advantage to ambush enemies as they move into certain locations.

Recommended maps for Cleaver combat:

  • Express (Black Ops 6): This map has multiple lanes and areas with cover where you can hide and wait for enemies to pass. Once you've picked your target, close the gap using cover and take them out with your Cleaver.
  • Verdansk (Warzone): Warzone offers a large, sprawling environment with plenty of buildings and tight alleyways. Use these to sneak up on enemies from behind or down players from a distance, then finish them off with your Cleaver.

4. Making the Most of Warzone with the Cleaver

In Warzone, using the Cleaver can be more difficult than in traditional multiplayer modes due to the vast open areas and longer ranges. However, if you take advantage of the map’s unique terrain and set traps, you can still effectively use the Cleaver to eliminate opponents.

Focus on Downed Enemies

Warzone’s downing mechanic provides a great opportunity to finish off enemies with the Cleaver. When an enemy is downed, they are vulnerable, and you can rush in for the kill. Use this to your advantage when you're part of a larger firefight.

Wait for the Right Moment

In the intense Warzone environment, you’ll need to pick your moments carefully. Wait for enemies to engage each other, and use their distraction as an opportunity to close in for the kill. You can even use vehicles or gunfire as decoys to draw enemies into your range.

5. Persistence and Patience: The Key to Unlocking All Camos

Unlocking all the Cleaver camos will require more than just skill—it will take time and persistence. Some of the challenges, like headshots or kill streaks, may take longer to complete, but they are achievable with the right mindset and playstyle.

Here are some tips for staying on track:

  • Don’t rush it: Focus on enjoying the process and slowly working through each camo challenge. Cleaver challenges require time, and rushing won’t help you unlock camos faster.
  • Play with purpose: Every match should have a purpose. Focus on one specific challenge at a time (e.g., headshots or tactical kills) to make the process more manageable.
  • Stay flexible: Some challenges, like kill streaks, will require you to adapt. If you fail once, keep trying and tweak your approach to find what works.

6. Conclusion

Mastering the Cleaver is not just about swinging a blade—it’s about developing a playstyle that leverages stealth, strategy, and precision. Whether you’re sneaking up behind enemies, using tactical equipment to create opportunities, or taking advantage of specific map features, the Cleaver is a versatile tool for close combat. By focusing on maximizing your Cleaver combat playstyle, you'll efficiently work your way through camo challenges and enjoy one of the most thrilling experiences in Black Ops 6 and Warzone.

It should be said that U4GM not only provides a comprehensive Black Ops 6 game guide, but also has a variety of COD BO6 Gift CP for you to choose from.

Good luck, and happy hunting with the Cleaver!

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