Planning to Modernize Legacy AS400 Software Systems?

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We are Integrative Systems, your dedicated AS400 solutions partner and IBM Silver Business Partner with 20+ years of IBM i experience.

For any business seeking an octopus of technology, AS400 computer software by IBM is the ideal choice.

You would likely agree with us if you’re an AS 400 user.

So, what brings you here amidst a busy day?

  • Wondering if your business is set to reap the benefits of AS400 software?
  • Wondering if AS/400 is outdated or dead?
  • Unsure of its capabilities, reliability and cost-centric fitment with your business strategy?
  • Most significantly, worried if AS400 software is ready for the future?

Well, you are not alone and none of your concerns are off beam.

But don’t worry much about this equation as you have arrived at the right resource at the right time.

Whether you are looking to dive into AS400’s operational excellence, explore its advantages, or consider modernizing it, this narrative serves as a one-stop answer to your questions.

Have a Look at These Challenges.

Modernizing your legacy AS400 software system has its own set of factors that can stand against your plan.

Let’s dive into the common IBM AS400 modernization challenges and explore effective strategies to overcome them.

Skill Shortage

One of the biggest challenges faced in modernizing AS400 IBM is the talent drain of AS400 experts followed by the lack of functional and technical documentation.

As a result, the AS400 applications modernization journey feels like a hopeless voyage without a navigator.

Data Migration

In the process of AS400 software modernization, a crucial challenge lies in migrating large chunks of data to the new system, efficiently preventing data leaks, data theft, and disruptions.

This phase requires meticulous planning and attention to detail and not just technical expertise.

Resistance to Transition

When it comes to AS400 system transformation, your team members and end-users may not be on the same page as you. You can face stakeholders’ resistance if the change overstays, or if the benefits aren’t effectively communicated.

Unclear Strategy

In the absence of a clear IBM i modernization strategy, your transformation journey is like setting out on a voyage without a map. Where every turn and decision are made blindfolded, leading to a wastage of resources, time, and potential setbacks.

Increased Cost of Modernization

Another AS 400 modernization challenge encountered by SMEs may be surprisingly high initial costs of modernization.

The cost involves hiring the AS400 programmers, investing in the infrastructure, hardware changes, AS400 software company’s consulting fees, and staff training.

The leaders must also consider the extra expenses incurred during the modernization process.

Did these challenges make you reconsider your modernization?

Don’t worry!

Thousands of businesses, like yours, have achieved AS400 modernization success, and so can you (without breaking your bank).


By trusting an AS400 software solutions provider.


Because the partner has superior knowledge of AS400 and can guarantee highly successful modernization outcomes.

They serve as an extension of your in-house team, optimizing your resources, cutting costs, streamlining the internal IT process, improving quality, and performance.

Still skeptical?

Let’s see how the AS400 software solutions provider helps you overcome the challenges and makes the most of your AS/400 modernization initiative.

How AS400 Software Solutions Provider Helps You Overcome the Modernization Challenges?

The future of AS400 system software involves a continued focus on AS 400 application modernization to adapt to evolving technological landscapes.

But it is not possible without the aid of an expert AS400 software company.

Wondering- “How does an AS-400 software solutions provider bring your modernization vision to reality?”

Integrative Systems: Your Reliable AS400 software Solutions Provider

We are Integrative Systems, your dedicated AS400 solutions partner and IBM Silver Business Partner with 20+ years of IBM i experience.

Our AS 400 solutions include-

  • AS400 software application development
  • IBM i AS400 software modernization
  • AS 400 software training
  • AS/400 software support
  • AS400 integration
  • iSeries consulting
  • AS400 Cloud migration
  • GUI for iSeries
  • AS400 RPG support
  • EDI services

If you are looking for a technology partner to help you out with your IBM i initiative, feel free to reach out to us at and our team experts shall get back to you within 2 business days to guide you on the right path.
